Reewire provides innovative services and solutions for many types of businesses. These include financial institutions, mobile network operators, retailers and supply chain companies. They also include public institutions, postal operators, NGOs, healthcare organizations and institutions for education.
We assist private and public enterprises implement transformational, cutting-edge digital technology. We do this by providing an innovative multi-channel transaction service delivery and service inter-change, combined with orchestration and management of electronic financial services (fintech).
We help our customers and partners improve their digital engagements with their customers, suppliers, partners and employees. These digital engagements include transaction service deliveries, payments, settlements and compensations.
With the 4M Platform Reewire presents an efficient and advanced tool-box for digital transformation. On the following pages you find examples of business solutions for different types of organizations and enterprises.
If you do not find a solution, that fits the needs of your company, please contact us for a discussion on, how we can customize one.
The 4M Platform empowers banks by converting traditional cost centres into profit centres. The Platform introduces new and compelling digital finance solutions and innovative mobile financial service offerings.
The 4M Platform and suite of core products constitute an innovative framework for banks to execute an efficient growth strategy. They enable banks to target multiple customer segments and extend their market reach. This is seamlessly achieved both by improving existing services and by introducing new compelling service offerings.
Combining 4M Banking with 4M Money, 4M Pay, 4M Transfer, and 4M Agent and couple them with a development strategy that is both innovative, ingenious, and professional enables the execution of results in an exponential number of business growth scenarios.
By consolidating to one ICT platform, the service owner reduces costs, as well as legal, operational, and financial risks. Meanwhile he gains access to a tool-set to simplify the design as well as the deployment and the operation for optimal performance.
The 4M Platform enables businesses to reach out, both to existing and new business partners with compelling and innovative offerings.
When e.g. engaging national postal services, and including Mobile Loyalty and Retail Payment Solutions, postal outlets can act as outlets for agent banking. This represents new business avenues and revenue opportunities.
Reewire´s regional offices and local partners can assist banks creating innovative solutions. This can be done by defining and executing on the digital finance strategies of the banks. And operational overhead can be reduced by outsourcing the innovative development, processes, operation, and maintenance of the cloud-based services.
4M Reporting and Advanced Data Analytics provide a comprehensive tool-set for analysing customer behaviour and business performance. They facilitate optimization of output and the planning of new and improved service offerings.
The 4M Platform enables MFIs, SACCOs (saving and credit cooperatives), and credit unions to participate in the digital and mobile growth economy. The Platform bridges issues of existing, rudimentary, digital infrastructures with the complexity of implementation. And at the same time, it provides a cost-efficient one-stop shop.
In emerging economies, 4M enables financial sectors, that are lacking the capabilities to drive financial inclusion through innovative technology. These are inexpensive, cost-efficient, and fault-tolerant services. They can be operated under varying conditions, while addressing populations with limited literacy and limited economic strength. MFIs, SACCOs and credit unions are the key partners of Reewire. They constitute the cornerstone of financial inclusion. And they will impact growth and prosperity through innovation and applied ICT.
Reewire engages in local partnerships. The purpose is to facilitate and mutualize 4M infrastructure investments and to build local competences. We create an open market place for financial services by combining training and technology transfers. This avails services at competitive costs, contributes to mitigate risks, and increases profits and sustainability for all stakeholders in the ecosystem.
Through a mutual beneficial partnership model, 4M offers MFIs, SACCOs, and credit unions a powerful value-proposition of capabilities, services, and support. In turn risks are mitigated, entry barriers are lowered, and operations are streamlined. This contributes to increase revenue and profitability.
4M empowers multiple MFIs, SACCOSs, and credit unions. This causes a scale effect and makes the interconnected network proportionally more valuable and profitable for all stakeholders. Meanwhile the collective of smaller players is enabled to compete with market leaders.
The 4M Platform enables MNOs to increase their average revenue per user (APU). New “high-value” added services are introduced, and a seamless interchange with the financial sector is availed. This improvement and extension of MNO distribution networks facilitates introduction of new types of services as well as user-base expansion.
4M enables the MNOs to act as distribution channels for multiple financial institutions simultaneously. They get access to a broad range of new high-value services. These include micro-finance, micro-insurance, agriculture input credit, termination of international remittance directly to the mobile phone, airtime credit, and handset finance. Payments can be made across the user’s airtime account, bank and micro-finance accounts, as well as debit, credit, and prepaid cards. This further enables users to directly purchase airtime via any other financial instrument available.
4M Agent provides a comprehensive toolbox for managing multiple agent networks at multiple levels with unique service offerings and commercial terms for each network. In combination with 4M Payment, 4M Money, and 4M Transfer, 4M Agent empowers the MNOs to acquire new distribution networks and extend their service offerings of existing agent networks. MNOs can e.g. engage retail networks in collaborative campaigns. They can offer airtime as loyalty remuneration, and propose retailers the use of SMS, USSD, IVR and web infrastructure for distribution and promotional purposes.
4M enables MNOs to become service hubs for multiple businesses. Meanwhile they can develop their own services in collaboration with 3rd. party software companies and system-integrators. By using the 4M Platform´s open APIs, retailers and service providers can build their own services, and not only connect to telecom infrastructures, but to all other services available on the Platform.
The 4M Platform enables MNOs to collect and monitor all transactions on the Platform and monetize valuable business intelligence and user behaviour data.
The 4M Platform provides retailers and aggregators with a powerful tool-set for building cutting edge mobile payment and retail loyalty solutions. These tools facilitate new ways to pay and drive customer behaviour and provide new channels for communication and sales.
Combining 4M Pay with 4M Loyalty and 4M Agent, the 4M Platform provides a powerful tool-set to orchestrate the ultimate customer service experience. And it enables the engagement in meaningful dialogues with customers across all channels.
The 4M Platform provides retailers and retail aggregators with a powerful development framework and an easy step-by-step process to expand and improve performance. The deployment of new services, payment methods, loyalty programs, and cost-efficient ways to communicate drive meaningful dialogues with customers and are tools to improve customer service.
The 4M Platform enables insurance companies to innovate product offerings, and to streamline distribution, collection and payments. Meanwhile it improves eligibility assessment of claims and enforces security, risk management and fraud counter measures.
Reewire’s suite of core products enables insurance companies to build new types of products. These include micro- and niche insurance products. The offerings are based on the execution of a mass distribution strategy and on utilizing existing digital distribution networks. These networks can be telecommunication networks, retail networks, and financial service networks, like bank branch networks.
For more specialized products like car, healthcare, and agri business insurances, the distribution can be facilitated by business partners in the respective sectors: e.g. car dealers for car insurances, and hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies for health-related insurances. Additionally, micro-finance insurances and agricultural input credits can be presented as bundled offers.
Digital distribution enables efficiency in distribution and collection, while streamlining customer services and communication. This enables improvement of operational margins. Using a mobile app, insurance companies can have their own distribution channels, and make use of partner distribution networks.
Insurance companies can further offer their digital insurance products and distribution capabilities to network partners, who will then manage the sales and the collection.
The 4M Platform enables innovative digital finance solutions in the agri business sector. As it facilitates streamlined processes for distribution, collection, and payment between agri sector stakeholders, it improves cost-efficiency, security and reliability, and reduces cost, risk and time to money for all stakeholders.
All stakeholders in the agri business sector have specific needs and specific opportunities to improve their businesses. 4M Consolidated Payment Gateway can facilitate payments for goods and services from a broad range of payment instruments. This enables actors in the agri supply chain to receive payments from multiple payment instruments. They include mobile banking, mobile money, card payments and vouchers.
4M eSwitch can facilitate exchange of services between stakeholders in a network. This includes the bundling of insurance products with micro-finance loans. Hereby two services from two service providers are delivered in one process. Reewire then facilitates the share and compensation of the two parties as well as the payment from the loan taker.
Farmers can benefit from better access to finance, insurance, and risk mitigation. They also benefit from streamlined procurement process and management of inputs, such as seeds, fertilizer and pesticides. Access to financial and value-added services helps farmers improve their livelihood, build savings, and grow a sustainable economy.
Banks and micro-finance institutions that are specialized in agricultural lending, can benefit from expanding their agri business lending and performance. Through broader reach and increased transactional volume with reduced risk, such financial institutions can achieve better control and improve communication with their borrowers. Meanwhile, additional value-added services can provide new revenue streams.
Banks can facilitate financial transactions between their customers (the farmers) and the supply chain actors. These actors may benefit from streamlined collection of payments with less dependency on cash and therefore less risk. And they can get access to market information for more accurate forecasts and optimized planning, which in turn enables improved operational margins and profit.
The 4M Platform enables innovative solutions for payment and collection in the healthcare sector. Streamlining processes for payment and collection between healthcare actors and citizens increases cost-efficiency, security and reliability. At the same time costs, risk and time to money for all actors are reduced.
The healthcare actors are clinics, hospitals, doctors, and specialists, as well as pharmacies, distribution and logistics companies, along with private and public health care insurance organizations. The actors also include NGOs with focus on the healthcare sector.
Stakeholders in the healthcare sector need the ability to receive cost-efficient payments for their goods and services. These payments come both from citizens and business partners.
The consolidated e-payment gateway and mPOS enable integration of multiple financial instruments from different institutions. These include mobile banking, mobile money, prepaid cards, vouchers, and other types of stored value assets. Hereby citizens can pay in hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies using any digital payment instrument at hand.
The education sector benefits from consolidated collection and payment processes between educational institutions, parents and students. Governments and NGOs can support students with scholarships and in turn, parents are given incentives to support their children’s education.
The actors in the education sector are educational institutions, teachers, and suppliers as well as the students and their parents. Ministries of education and NGOs are also part of the educational ecosystem. And they all benefit from improved payment services.
Reewire can provide an online and mobile payment solution. Hereby schools and educational institutions can receive payments for e.g. tuition, books and educational materials, as well as “on-site” payments in the canteen, excursions, and dormitory. Such payments can be made through a range of financial instruments, that include mobile banking, mobile money, and card payments.
Furthermore, each school can use the payment services to pay for goods and services from suppliers and for salaries for employees.
The system can also be configured to enable 3rd. party payments. This enables e.g. family members from aboard to pay a school tuition fee directly. And the system can facilitate disbursement of scholarships and sponsorships from NGOs and governments to eligible students.
Postal operators are ideally positioned to act as agent networks for the financial sector and as exchange-points between financial institutions, service providers, and consumers. The 4M Platform enables postal operators to renew their businesses and compensate for the decline in traditional offerings. This can be done by introducing new compelling financial service offerings in the global radical growth market.
Postal operators are in a unique position to provide mobile financial services due to their public mandate to serve geographical regions via physical post offices. They represent a compelling value proposition as points of sale for the financial sector and multitude businesses, for whom it would be to cost-prohibitive to build such a network for distribution.
Many postal operators are licensed to act as financial institutions and can offer financial services. But only few have fully embraced the unique opportunities represented by mobile financial services. The 4M enables postal operators to excel in such services. The Platform enables interoperability with new payment instruments. These includes mobile money and mobile banking accompanied by a range of services. Postal operators that are not yet licensed to operate as financial institutions can start by acting as agent networks for the financial sector and
service providers.
Based on experience from several postal operators and Universal Postal Union (UPU), Reewire has built 4M Postal. This provides postal operators with a turn-key solution. It avails professional services for pre-feasibility, design, and implementation as well as an operational model for complete outsourced operations, support, maintenance, know-how training, and technology transfer. With the implementation of this solution, postal operators can take full control of their operations.
4M Postal is based on mutual beneficial partnerships. Here Reewire co-finances the establishment of the solution with local partners. And a model for operations-based revenue-share helps mitigate the risk for the partners.
The 4M Platform enables government institutions to streamline operations, improve public services, increase transparency, control, and accountability, while reducing administrative cost and complexity.
Modern information and communication technology (ICT) represent a historic opportunity for governments to improve public services for its citizens across several areas. The most obvious are healthcare, education, tax-collection, pension disbursement, and general e-governance interaction with citizens. 4M provides a framework for streamlining communication, dialogue and service delivery between public institutions, private companies and citizens.
4M provides cost-efficient solutions for public institutions. Consolidating all their communication, public institutions are enabled to streamline communication and interaction with private companies and citizens. This can be via fixed lines, SMS, USSD, interactive voice and Web on one secure, robust, and scalable infrastructure. It avails seamless communication and self-service across any device accessible to citizens. And via voice commands from any type of mobile phone or fixed line, it includes citizens with limited literacy.
The 4M Platform integrates easily with existing systems. And it provides an advanced toolkit for data analytics and reporting. Hereby public institutions can keep track of interactions with citizens and be alerted of e.g. transactional irregularities, national health issues and outstanding payments.
The 4M Platform enables governments and public institutions to collaborate, interconnect and integrate with the telecom sector and the financial sector. It further enables the software industry and system integrators to compete on equal terms. They can build competitive and cost-efficient services that can be operated, managed and maintained as services, which reduces cost, risk, and initial investment for the government.
NGOs and associations can build innovative solutions for digital finance and payment. While this improves performance, accountability, and impact, it reduces cost, risk, and slack.
NGOs and associations are a broad range of organizations. They have different objectives, goals, and challenges. But they can all benefit from offering more meaningful services, streamlined communication, and optimized transaction flows with their members, partners and target groups.
Whether an NGO or an association, the 4M Platform can be used to streamline and optimize processes for payment and collection. Payments include the collection of charity, political donations, membership fees and other types of contributions.
At the same time, these organizations can use the 4M Platform to tailor specialized applications to communicate with their audiences and to facilitate earmarked payments and disbursements aimed at specific purposes.
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