Solutions for Healthcare

The 4M Platform enables innovative solutions for payment and collection in the healthcare sector. Streamlining processes for payment and collection between healthcare actors and citizens increases cost-efficiency, security and reliability. At the same time costs, risk and time to money for all actors are reduced.

The healthcare actors are clinics, hospitals, doctors, and specialists, as well as pharmacies, distribution and logistics companies, along with private and public health care insurance organizations. The actors also include NGOs with focus on the healthcare sector.

4M avails innovative healthcare solutions for multiple stakeholders

Stakeholders in the healthcare sector need the ability to receive cost-efficient payments for their goods and services. These payments come both from citizens and business partners.

The consolidated e-payment gateway and mPOS enable integration of multiple financial instruments from different institutions. These include mobile banking, mobile money, prepaid cards, vouchers, and other types of stored value assets. Hereby citizens can pay in hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies using any digital payment instrument at hand.

  • Hospitals, clinics, and specialists can receive cost-efficient payments.
  • Healthcare insurance companies can digitize their sales and distribution processes. And they can partner with other healthcare actors and distribution partners.
  • Healthcare supply chain companies can streamline processes for order, delivery and collection.