Solutions for Postal Operator

Postal operators are ideally positioned to act as agent networks for the financial sector and as exchange-points between financial institutions, service providers, and consumers. The 4M Platform enables postal operators to renew their businesses and compensate for the decline in traditional offerings. This can be done by introducing new compelling financial service offerings in the global radical growth market.

The unique position of postal operators in financial inclusion and accessibility

Postal operators are in a unique position to provide mobile financial services due to their public mandate to serve geographical regions via physical post offices. They represent a compelling value proposition as points of sale for the financial sector and multitude businesses, for whom it would be to cost-prohibitive to build such a network for distribution.

Mobile financial services – the key to renew postal operators

Many postal operators are licensed to act as financial institutions and can offer financial services. But only few have fully embraced the unique opportunities represented by mobile financial services.  The 4M enables postal operators to excel in such services. The Platform enables interoperability with new payment instruments. These includes mobile money and mobile banking accompanied by a range of services. Postal operators that are not yet licensed to operate as financial institutions can start by acting as agent networks for the financial sector and
service providers.

4M Postal is a turn-key success solution for postal operators

Based on experience from several postal operators and Universal Postal Union (UPU), Reewire has built 4M Postal. This provides postal operators with a turn-key solution. It avails professional services for pre-feasibility, design, and implementation as well as an operational model for complete outsourced operations, support, maintenance, know-how training, and technology transfer. With the implementation of this solution, postal operators can take full control of their operations.

Reewire postal partnership model

4M Postal is based on mutual beneficial partnerships. Here Reewire co-finances the establishment of the solution with local partners. And a model for operations-based revenue-share helps mitigate the risk for the partners.